Too many hours, too little sleep from @ScrubsMagazine #nightshiftproblems

You can read the article >here<

From the Spring 2014 issue of Scrubs

There’s a lot of talk these days about how detrimental it is for hospital patients to have their sleep interrupted.

Given all we know about the health ramifications of short-changing sleep, it’s a topic that deserves discussion. But there’s another sleep issue with implications for patient welfare that’s not getting nearly enough attention, says sleep expert Ann E. Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN. That’s nurse fatigue. Rogers, the Edith F. Honeycutt Chair in Nursing at Emory University’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing in Atlanta, says it’s a critically important issue because it affects the health and safety of nurses, their patients and the public.

The long hours (75 percent of nurses work a 12-hour shift), the rotating shifts, the propensity to work through breaks and the stress of the job create the perfect storm for sleep deficiency in nurses, says Rogers.

“Our studies show that nurses devote half their free hours sleeping. In other words, if you have 12 hours free between shifts, you sleep about six hours.” But who has 12 hours free between shifts? On average, nurses put in an extra 50 minutes after their shift officially ends, so the hours on duty are much closer to 13. Tack on the commute time (on average, about 25 minutes each way), do the math and you’ll find there’s not a lot of time left over for shut-eye. In fact, using Rogers’ formula, that leaves about 10½ hours of free time after a 12-hour shift, and that means well under six hours of sleep. Not enough when seven to nine is the recommended amount. On top of that, “Sleep loss is cumulative,” explains Rogers. “So nurses who work 12-hour shifts on consecutive days and are sleep deprived become more and more affected cognitively.”

On the face of it, the sensible solution would seem to be a return to the eight-hour shift, but as Rogers explains, that’s not likely to happen.

“Nurses like the 12-hour shift, and while they don’t like mandatory overtime, they don’t want any restrictions on their ability to work overtime.” One study showed that 80 percent of nurses are happy with current scheduling policies. Results from the same study, however, showed that levels of job dissatisfaction and burnout increase with an increase in the shift hours.

While the evidence clearly points out that the extended hours nurses work pose a threat to patient safety and to their own health, there are ways to mitigate some of those effects.

Most importantly, says Rogers, recognize your own limitations, make sleep a priority and don’t accept an extra shift when you should be catching up on sleep.

2 thoughts on “Too many hours, too little sleep from @ScrubsMagazine #nightshiftproblems

  1. I have to say that when I commuted 50 miles one way to work, when I worked 12 hour shifts, I calculated I had only 6 hours st home when I subtracted 30 minute lunch (because we spend 12.5 hours at work for every 12 hours scheduled), 30 minutes to finish up and get out to the car, two hours commute time, an hour to settle down enough to sleep, an hour to get ready to go to work again. That left … 7 hours to work with. And I always say it takes right hours to get 4 hours of sleep. At this moment, I have just gotten home, and am trying to get enough sleep to make it through this fourth night of work, followed immediately by a book fair I am running during the day. Such is the life of a night shift worker. But we all choose our stressors. I don’t like working day shift with all the chaos of doctors and orders and families – oh my!

    • 50 miles to work! That is quite a trek, particularly if there is traffic, ugh. I used to work days, and you are so right – I don’t miss the families, MIA patients or onslaught of MD orders! I have found that I clock out between 0730-0800, am home between 0830-0900, but don’t really sleep till 10:30 at the earliest. I somehow wake up like clockwork at 1500. Its soooo annoying! Then I can’t get back to sleep, which is just more annoyance! I totally agree with you, 4-5 hrs max sleep. Sometimes I get home and see all the laundry and all the things out of place, and just get frustrated. I start cleaning or doing something, and before I know it, I just lost another potential hour of sleep – #nocshiftproblems

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